EMBA Essay to pass – Oxford

Today’s blog is about EMBA, MBA essay using past actual essay theme. Many business school impose a couple of essay themes, which include frequent question, “Why EBA “, “Why this school” etc.

On the other hand, usually last essay theme is unique depending on school and it is critical important to understand correctly why this school asks this essay theme. Otherwise, you cannot pass admission process.

Following is actual example of 2017’s Said business school EMBA program. In that year, three themes were imposed and this was the last theme.

Describe an aspect of your organization which could be viewed as ‘problematic’. Briefly outline three different action plans which could be implemented to deal with the issues involved, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Maximum 2,000 words. (quoted from Said business school)

When I looked at the theme, I was surprised to the essay volume. Usually, EMBA program’s essay volume is 2,500 to 4,000 words, so this admission essay was close to it. I consider that following three points is business school’s intention.

  1. The skill of grasp problem 
  2. The skill of presenting problem solution
  3. The reality of solution

So, when candidates tackle this theme, always must take into account above. Even if picking up solution which does not equip realistic, the school’s assess might be low.

Additionally, this essay asks not only advantage but also disadvantage , so candidates need to write both advantage and disadvantage almost the same volume.

This theme is good to consider and brainstorming, so if you have time, I suggest you to think about this.

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